Meet the Milo family 8 products to explore: product category See All Powder Ready To Drink Teen Product Category - Any -Cereal BarsCerealsPOWDERReady-to-drink Product Category Package - Any -PowderReady To DrinkTeen Tags (field_dsu_tags) - Any -BISCUITSSACHETSACHET 150POWDERPOUCHANYTIMEBreakfastENERGYNUTRITIONPowderProductRECIPESThrough the dayLunch Box BISCUITS MILO® CHOCOMILK COOKIE SANDWICH 12x34 12x34g These irresistible chocolate and cream cookies are the perfect blend of rich, smooth, and satisfying. Grab one for a delicious treat on the go! BISCUITS MILO® CHOCOMILK COOKIE SANDWICH 34g These irresistible chocolate and cream cookies are the perfect blend of rich, smooth, and satisfying. Grab one for a delicious treat on the go! BISCUITS MILO® CHOCO COOKIE SANDWICH 12x34g These irresistible chocolate and cream cookies are the perfect blend of rich, smooth, and satisfying. Grab one for a delicious treat on the go! POWDER MILO® MALT ENERGY DRINK POWDER 500g POUCH 500g NESTLÉ® MILO® is a low-GI malt powder drink that provides kids with the nourishing energy they need to take on the day. POWDER MILO® MALT ENERGY DRINK POWDER 750g POUCH 1000G The new MILO® pouch still delivers the classic chocolate malt flavor, and the winning energy made with malt barley, milk and cocoa for that everyday win. POWDER MILO® MALT ENERGY DRINK POWDER 250g POUCH 250g Give your kids the power to conquer their day with the sustained energy of NESTLÉ® MILO® – with this convenient pack size. POWDER MILO® MALT ENERGY DRINK POWDER 150g SACHET 150g Fuel your kids’ day with the lasting energy of NESTLÉ® MILO® – now in a handy 150g pack. BISCUITS MILO® CHOCO SANDWICH 34g Indulge in the irresistible combination of smooth, rich chocolate and creamy goodness with these delicious cookies. Perfect for a satisfying snack anytime, anywhere. Load More Products CHECK OUT OUR RECIPES Make mealtimes fun and nutritious with our easy-to-follow MILO® recipes. Packed with the goodness of malt, milk, and essential vitamins and minerals, MILO® provides the energy your family needs to take on the day. EXPLORE RECIPES Sign Up & Never Miss A Great Promo! Create MILO Account Sign Up & NEVER MISS A GREAT PROMO!