NESTLÉ MILO is the world’s number one chocolate-malt beverage. This is a breakfast energy drink for kids. NESTLÉ MILO is available in the powder format, which can be mixed to drink warm or cold. In addition to this, NESTLÉ MILO is available in a 200ml ready-to-drink carton, cereal and on-the-go cereal bars.
It provides you essential nutrients, providing quick and sustained release of nutrition. Including supporting optimal performance, improves your mood and helps increase your attention span to tackle daily tasks more effectively.
This helps give children the added advantage of energy to go further - at home, at school and on the sport fields.
NESTLÉ MILO® contains a combination of vitamins and minerals that, while not direct sources of energy themselves, can help your body unlock the energy from the food you eat more effectively.
The NESTLÉ MILO® recipe was changed in 2019. This new recipe has 26% less sugar, more malt, more cocoa and more milk in it to give more of the right nutrients that children need to be energized for the day. The 26% reduction in sugar equates to less than a teaspoon of added table sugar in a glass as compared to the original recipe. The rest of the sugar comes from intrinsic sugar in lactose in dairy based ingredients and barley malt extract.