A father helps his son throw a ball A father helps his son throw a ball


Get game-day ready with these easy tips

Whether it's a big game or just a fun day of sports with friends, getting your kids or family ready and energised is essential.

Warming up and stretching together isn't just about preventing injuries; it's a fun way for kids to bond with their teammates and learn the importance of proper preparation for optimal performance in any game.

Why warm-ups matter

Think of muscles like NESTLÉ® MILO® powder: adding cold water doesn't mix as smoothly. Warming up gently “activates” muscles, increases blood flow and improves flexibility, just like adding warm water to MILO® creates a smoother, more energising drink. This means less chance of strains or pulls during the game.

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Stretching shouldn't feel like a chore.

Stretching together

Turn it into a fun family activity and help your child with these tips:

Lead by example: Kids learn best by watching their role models. Join in the stretching routine—it's beneficial for you too!

Get creative: Turn stretches into animal poses; think "tall giraffe" for neck stretches or "reaching puppy" for hamstring stretches.

Make it playful: Incorporate music and turn stretches into a dance party or challenge each other to see who can hold a stretch the longest (while maintaining good form, of course!).

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Here's a simple routine you can adapt to any sport:

Light cardio for 5 minutes: Get those hearts pumping with a light jog around the park, jumping jacks or even a silly dance-off.

Dynamic stretching for 5 minutes: Focus on movements that mimic the sport, such as:

• Arm circles: Great for sports involving throwing or swinging
• Leg swings: Important for running and kicking
• Torso twists: Beneficial for sports requiring rotational movements

Cool down for 5 minutes: After the game, don't forget to cool down with some light stretching and deep breaths. This helps prevent muscle soreness and promotes recovery.

Other game-day prep tips

Hydration is key: Make sure everyone drinks plenty of water before, during and after the game, especially on hot days.

Snack time: A light, nutritious snack an hour or two before the game provides energy. Think fruit, yogurt or whole-grain crackers.

Sun protection: Apply sunscreen, even on cloudy days, and consider hats for extra protection.

Remember, the most important thing is to teach your child to have fun and enjoy the game. By making warm-ups and cool-downs a regular part of their daily routine, you're instilling the importance of physical activity, preparation and teamwork.

These values will help your children succeed in all aspects of life.

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